Lifestyle & Documentary Photographer

for the joy seeking, fun-loving and adventurous

Hi, I'm Emily!

I, like you probably do, have approximately 7,000 photos on my phone.

Most of them are my dog and my baby. Top tier cuteness. But...

Lifestyle & Documentary Photographer

for the joy seeking, fun-loving and adventurous

The occasional photo where I make an appearance is a subpar selfie or a sweet attempt by my husband to take a nice photo (I will say, he has gotten better and better!). Even fewer have both of us in them.

Don’t get me wrong, I love looking back through phone photos.

But, since getting pregnant with my first child, I’ve been intentional about scheduling photo sessions because I think everyone deserves to slow down time and have a chance to document our relationships over time.

Photo credit: Emma Marie Photography

I, like you, have approximately 7,000 photos on my phone.

Most of them are my dog and my baby. Super cute! But...

The occasional photo where I make an appearance is a subpar selfie or a sweet attempt by my husband to take a nice photo (I will say, he has gotten better and better!). Even fewer have both of us in them.

Hi, I'm Emily!

But, since getting pregnant with my first child, I’ve been intentional about scheduling photo sessions because I think everyone deserves to slow down time and have a chance to document our relationships over time.

Don't get me wrong, I love looking back through phone photos.


Joy comes in many ways - jumping on the trampoline, walking hand in hand, eating your favorite dessert. I love creating space for joy during photo sessions.


My fondest moments with loved ones are laughing hysterically together. I rarely remember the joke or the reason, but I hold the feeling of joy and connection close.


No, not the New York Times game. Our lives are marked by many different kinds of connection and I love capturing the unique ways we share special moments with one another.



Joy comes in many ways - jumping on the trampoline, walking hand in hand, eating your favorite dessert. I love creating space for joy during photo sessions.


My fondest moments with loved ones are laughing hysterically together. I rarely remember the joke or the reason, but I hold the feeling of joy and connection close.


No, not the New York Times game. Our lives are marked by many different kinds of connection and I love capturing the unique ways we share special moments with one another.


Reach out!

Are you ready to commit moments to memories with me?

My Favorite Things
  • Thinking about an item you want for months and finally finding it at the thrift store
  • The sound of our espresso machine turning on (tired parents know what I mean)
  • Going to the library and singing out more books than I know I’ll read
  • Repeating the same ridiculous thing 20 times because it makes my baby giggle
  • Puppy snuggles after squeezing into my spot because my pup takes up the whole chaise
  • The sun coming through your windows just right in the morning
  • Jumping on trampolines. Pure joy.

More About Me

My Favorite Things

Thinking about an item you want for months and finally finding it at the thrift store
The sound of our espresso machine turning on (tired parents know what I mean)
Going to the library and signing out more books than I know I’ll read
Repeating the same ridiculous thing 20 times because it makes my baby giggle
Puppy snuggles after squeezing into my spot because my pup takes up the whole chaise
The sun coming through your windows just right in the morning
Jumping on trampolines. Just pure joy.

More About Me



Assistant, Drone Operator, Husband

Meet the Team


Senior Morale Booster

Meet the Team





Lead Photographer

Assistant, Drone Operator, Husband

Senior Morale Booster


Meet the Team



Assistant, Drone Operator, Husband


Senior Morale Booster